

Finalist - Computing AI and Machine Learning Award 2021

Apr 21, 2021

We are pleased to announce that is the finalist of the AI and Machine Learning Award 2021 for the Best AI Startup category.


Forbes Article

Using AI To Automate Enterprise Document Processing Workflows

Apr 20, 2021

Dr. Akhil Sahai Chief Product Officer, presents an engaging discourse on why and how Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) will take the center stage for many organizations to automate…

Contact Us for Demo

Connect with us for a 1:1 product demonstration and understand how Kanverse AI can entirely digitize your document processing workflows.

Kanverse IDP digitizes document processing for enterprises from ingestion, classification, extraction, validation to filing. Extract data from a wide gamut of documents with up to 99.5% accuracy using its multi-stage AI engine. Say goodbye to manual entry, reduce cycle time to seconds, optimize cost by up to 80%, minimize human error, and turbocharge productivity of your team.

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