AP teams can now import invoice data from MS Excel with the Iolite release. Iolite release also brings in a new out-of-the-box connector for COINS ERP, through which construction and real estate companies can publish invoice data seamlessly.
Iolite release creates a smooth product onboarding experience for new users with quick access to product walkthrough videos. Unique platform features are also introduced to enhance the existing user experience. Now, users can create a personalized workspace, build hot keys, customize action buttons, and much more while using Kanverse.
Here are the product features released with Iolite:
New innovative features for AP Invoice Automation Product
- AP teams can now extract invoice data from Microsoft Excel documents with the same 99.5% extraction accuracy.
- AP teams can now automate the processing of invoices arriving as Excel documents, having complex tables with multiple invoice line items end to end.
- AP administrators can now create multi-layer approval workflows for invoices based on the organization hierarchy.
Multi-level approval workflow
- AP administrators can now create multi-layer approval workflows, including delegation for invoice processing. Business rules can be configured to direct invoice approval flows based on the organization hierarchy.
New out-of-the-box connector for COINS ERP
- Construction management and real-estate companies can now witness seamless invoice processing.
- Having an out-of-the-box connector reduces the time to go live and saves costs without the hassle of modifying the company’s IT environment.
A new How-to section
- Training videos in the product are provided to guide new users in how to use the new product features and provide them with a great platform experience.
Witness Kanverse live in action with no prior commitment!
- Iolite release opens a whole new possibility for AP teams of all companies. Users can upload invoices into the Kanverse portal and witness how Kanverse achieves 99.5% data extraction accuracy for their invoices in a live environment
Enhanced user experience with the new release
- Iolite release empowers users to create a personalized workspace. Users can now open documents in multiple tabs to perform necessary actions.
- Additional information is made available for each document arriving through the digital mailbox, e.g., email subject, email body, sender, receiver, etc.
- A new alert system for deployed business rules is designed to inform users regarding the execution status of the business rule.
- Brand-new advancements in the UI made for better table visualization on the document viewer screen. Also, users can split documents based on viewing preference.
- Users can also create hot keys that perform an additional operation on any document through special configurations provided in Kanverse.
Platform enhancement
- Iolite release provisions users to build a custom script to capture additional information from inbound emails arriving in the digital mailbox.